Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nancy Martini's Eco Message to students in England

Students in England study my work to create their own eco art exhibit!

"Hope: An Ocean of Peace"

Last week, I got an email from a teacher in England. She told me that at the school where she teaches they were having a eco day at their school. They were researching eco artists on the internet and came across my work. They looked at my YouTube videos and my website to understand how I created my art and then they created paintings to replicate my painting called: "Hope: An Ocean of Peace."

Featured about are the beautiful painting made by 8 and 9 year old artists from Pebsham CP in East Sussex, England. Guided by their supportive and creative teacher, Karen Lindsay, the students saved reclaimed materials for three weeks prior to creating their works of art.

I was so proud of the art the children created that I took this photo of the student's art and I displayed it next to my paintings at my last art show for the Arts of St. Johns' in Miami Beach called Divine Debris.

The students' work are as beautiful as they are expressive. I believe that the earlier children understand the importance of using reclaimed materials the more they will naturally acquire the habit of reusing everything before putting materials in the recycle bin or the trash can.

I really enjoy talking to students and I think it is everyone's responsibility to nurture and guide children whenever they reach out to us. For this reason, I decided to send the students at Pebsham a video response to encourage them to keep thinking green and to congratulate their efforts.

My video response to the eco art students...


  1. Love seeing the children's eco-art ;-) Congratulations Nancy and to all of the student artists and their teacher!

  2. Thanks! I love it when teachers go beyond what is expected to help their students.

  3. Thank you so much Nancy for your inspirational work.
    Year 4 at Pebsham School would like to thank you for your support and wonderful comments.
    Kaern (Merlin's Teacher)

  4. Hi Nancy
    my name is Bleu, your work is excellent.
    My teacher says i am an artist! This week I created my own art at home using pie cases for hair and a face out of paper.

  5. Hi my name is EliseI am 9 years old Ilove your art, thanks for sending us a message....YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi Nancy
    luved your work..i hope u do a nuver video

  7. Hi my name is Felicity
    I love your art thank you for putting a video on youtube and i hope you make more.
    from Felicity

  8. hi i am mica (a girl) 9 years old pronounced misha but not spelt like that.your art ROCKS and so do you !!!

  9. hi we are mica elise and felicity.
    we are all best friends and we love your art thanx for sending a video BYE BYE !!!

  10. hi my name is molly
    i really like your art work it is fantastic
    thank you for making that video it was lovely
    from molly
    age 9
    [mrs lindsay is the best and so are you]
    thank you

  11. Wow! Thanks for all the notes. I will try to make another video soon. I have been thinking of making a video about how I teach kids to draw using the alphabet. It mostly for people who think art is a talent and not a skill. However, right now I am working on a sketchbook about the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. You can see it at
