Above is the piece I submitted titled: "Protect Me." It measures 23.5" x 17" produced in beeswax, pigment and pencil on paper. This piece is the first in a new series of work to bring awareness to the Coral Reef and the need to protect the reef. By putting people in the work, I wanted to show how connected we are to the health of the ocean and how we can still make a difference. Not only will I be sharing my ideas through my work, but I will also be giving 50% of the profits to help rebuild the reef.
There was a long table in the middle of the exhibit with simple instructions on how to use the post its written on the cardboard covering.
Reading the Post Its were just as interesting as looking at the art. It was an inventive way to keep the crowd there instead of moving on to the next gallery because everyone wanted to read each new posts and comment on other posts as well.