Park(ing) Day in Coconut day was a hugh success! Not so much with large crowds, but it was a launching pad for future Park(ing) Days in Miami. I had to explain Park(ing) Day to almost everyone I met. The only ones who really knew about it were there volunteering. For those of you who still don't know... Park(ing) Day is celebrated in many cities around the country to bring awareness to green spaces and environmental issues. Its where you take street parking spaces and turn them into parklike green spaces.
Biking is encouraged, especially on Park(ing) Day. We had a few people ride their bikes and used the green space to park them.
When I arrived there was much to do. We did have some help from the city parks department. They brought the sod to us and helped place it.
Pie studios brought their beautiful eco furniture for everyone to enjoy.
Students from FIU shared the space with me. They used reclaimed milk cartons to make seating.
I met these three very green young women who sketched with me and even made a sign to get people driving by to think about green space.
It was a fun day that I was proud to be a part of. I loved sitting in our green space sketching and talking about green ideas with green people all while connecting the environment to art.
To see more photos, check out the Coconut Grove Grapevine.