Thursday, June 18, 2009

Creativity: the Cornerstone to Improving the Environment

Creating new ideas, stretching to think in different ways, and being brave enough to share our ideas will provide clues to solve many of our environmental issues. The question is, how do we generate the type of creative ideas needed to really make a difference? Continue reading on Ecoki...


  1. Hi Nancy,
    Great article. I completely agree. I think in grade school kids get the first idea of what a gifted artist is...The one person in the class who shines causes the others to question if doing it for 'the love of it' is worth it(with no special responses, etc.). 'We' start to compare and for many that becomes the end of creative (artistic) pursuits. Art class grading is something that could use a serious look at too, but I digress...
    I am passing the link to your article around the circle!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Nancy, Green Education Network admires your work and has posted an article about you drawing upon your blog and video at
    (You can also find it by entering your name or "eco art" in the serach box). Further, in your honor we have announced an Eco Arts and Crafts "Contest" in which all participants win honors. We hope this pleases you, and invite you to comment (and message us) using the comment box appearing below the article. Best Wishes, Gregory Hilbert, CEO, Green Education Network at
